The Crew

Andy: Professor of Economics at Temple University, currently on leave. While on this trip I will be working on a couple of electronic books.

Maria: General Counsel at GMAC Commercial Mortgage, currently on leave.  Although technically on leave, I will have my computer and cell phone with me and expect to be returning to the office from time to time.

Christopher:  Admitted to Lehigh University, but has deferred matriculation for a year.  No, his brain won't be in PARK while on the trip. He will be bringing along his math, chemistry, and physics books.  His dream is to design and build computer controlled robots.

Diana: Only 6 so it is not clear why she needs a sabbatical from the rat race.   Diana will be learning about the world around her on this trip.  She has the misfortune of finding herself with three teachers, not just one, for first grade.
