Leeds, von Allmen and Schiming
Chapter 1, Introduction
What is Economics?
- Scarcity Principle: No Free Lunch Principle
- Cost - Benefit Principle
- Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- Positive and Normative Economics
- Market based (demand driven), centrally planned, and transition economies:
How are prices determined?
- Jevons: Value of the good to consumers
- Marshall: Cost of production
- Modern thinking: It's both! Supply and demand:
- Opportunity Cost
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Ben Franklin
- Rationality
- Opportunity Cost
- Economic Surplus
- Marginal Cost and Marginal Benefit
- Some Pitfalls in Decision Making
- Measuring costs and benefits as proportions (versus absolute amounts)
- Ignoring
opportunity costs
- Failure to ignore sunk costs
- Failure to understand marginal/average distinction
- Not all benefits and costs matter equally
- Synonyms for marginal
- Economic Models - Markets, industries, firms, individuals
- Assumptions - examples
- Ceteris Paribus
- Testing Hypotheses - The scientific method