Leeds, vonAllmen and Schiming
Chapter 18, International Trade
U.S. Trade Deficit
Open versus closed economy
Annual trade deficit small until ~1980
Today Exports + Imports = .26*GDP
Pattern of deficits and surpluses with rich and poor trading partners
Prosperity and trade deficits
Models of Free Trade
Production Possibilities Frontiers, Again
Consumption Possibilities Frontier
Comparative Advantage and Increasing Opportunity Cost
The Impact of Trade: Consumer and Producer Surplus
The world price is below the domestic price
Consumers are gleeful
Producers wring their hands
The world price is above the domestic price
Consumers wail
Producers happy
Protectionist Policies
Voluntary restraint agreements
Arguments for government protection from trade
National Interests
Infant Industries
Free Trade, Developing Countries, and the Environment
MNC's and exploitation
Appropriate wage comparisons
Trade and income growth
Enviroinmental protection costs / production costs and location decisions
Protectionist policies, resource allocation and the environment
International Trade Organizations
World Trade Organization (WTO)
The Great Depression and Tariffs
Reciprocal Trade Agreement (1934)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947)
GATT forms WTO (1995)
Forum for trade negotiations
Enforce trade agreements
Monitor trade policies
European Union (EU)
Free trade area versus economic union