The New york Times

December 14, 1998



• 1946 Winston Churchill
calls for a "United States of

• 1952 European Coal and
Steel Community
• 1957 West Germany,
France, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands and
Luxembourg set up the
European Economic
• 1963 France and West
Germany sign a treaty of
• 1972 European leaders
agree to economic and
monetary union by 1980.
• 1979 The European
monetary system and
European Currency Unit are
• 1986 An agreement is
reached on a tariff-free
internal market to be
established for all members
of the European Community
by the end of 1992.
• 1990 Germany is
• 1991 At the Maastricht
summit meeting in the
Netherlands, agreement is
reached on a European
Central Bank and a common
currency to start by 1999 for
eligible nations.
1998 11 countries decide
to introduce a common
currency in January 1999.
• 1999 The euro is
introduced. Leading stock
and bond markets begin
trading in the currency.
2002 Euro bills and
coins go into circulation. In
July, National bills and coins
will no longer be legal tender.