Temple University
Department of Economics

Principles of Microeconomics
Econ 52 Section 701


Directions: Enter your name and social security number.  You must answer every question.  When you are done just press the submit button at the bottom.


Social Security Number

  1. In setting the tolls for the Ben Franklin Bridge the Delaware River Port Authority should not take in to account
    the original cost of building the bridge Ignore this one
    its replacement cost
    the value of time lost due to traffic congestion
    operation and maintenance costs
  2. The following pairs of numbers all lie along the same line in the X-Y plane.
  3. X







    From the numbers find
    the slope of the line: = 30/10 = 3
    the intercept of the line: -15

  4. What is the slope of the line given by P=100+3Q? 3
  5. Does the line P=50-6Q slope
    Up and to the right
    Down and to the right This is the one.