Curriculum Vita


Department of Economics

Temple University

March 2005

I. Biographical:

Phone: 215-204-1985 (w)



II. Education

Lehigh University, Chemistry, B.A.
Lehigh University, Economics, M.A.
University of Illinois, Economics, M.S.
University of Illinois, Economics, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Thesis: "Some Identification and Estimation Problems in Econometrics"

III. Employment

A. Academic

1. Lehigh University, Research Assistant, Fall 1973
2. Lehigh University, Teaching Assistant, Spring 1974
3. Northampton County Area Community College, Visiting Lecturer, Spring 1974
4. University of Illinois, Teaching Assistant, Fall 1974- Summer 1976
5. Temple University, Professor, Fall 1977 - present

    1. Director of Graduate Studies, 7/94 - 6/95
    2. Economics Department Chairman, 7/95 - 6/98

                6. Guest Research Professor, Universitaet Augsburg, 1983 - 199

B. Non-Academic

Research Fellow and Deputy Director, International Institute of Management, Spring 1981 - Summer 1982

         C. Consulting

                        Pennridge Airport, 2002
                        Philadelphia International Airport, 2000
                        Acorn: Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, 1998

IV. Teaching: Courses Taught at Temple University, 1977-present

a. Economics 51, Introductory Macroeconomics
b. Economics 52 and 92, Introductory Microeconomics
c. Economics 201, Intermediate Microeconomics
d. Economics 241, Econometrics
e. Economics 281, Government Regulation of Business
f. Economics 282, Organization of American Industry
g. Economics 287, Managerial Economics
h. Economics 288, Field Experience in Economics
i. Economics 341, Econometrics
j. Economics 403, Principles of Economics for MBAs
j. Economics 500, Microeconomic Analysis for MBAs
k. Economics 539, Introduction to Econometric Modelling
l. Economics 615, Econometrics: Introduction
m. Economics 616, Econometrics: Advanced Topics
n. Economics 803a, Seminar in Econometrics
o. Economics 803b, Seminar in Econometrics
p. Temple Economics Laboratory

VI. Service Contributions

A. Temple University

1. Department

a. Recording Secretary, 1977-79
b. Merit Procedures Review, 1978-1979
c. Lectures and Seminars, Chairman, 1979-1980
d. Graduate Publicity, 1980-1981, 1983-1984
e. Graduate Affairs, 1983-present
f. Promotion and Tenure, 1987-1989
g. External Review, 1988
h. Advisor to Graduate Economics Student Association, 1989-90
i. Promotion and Tenure, Chair, 1991-92
j. Hiring Committee, Chair, 1991-92
k. Director of Graduate Programs, 1994-1995
i. Department Chairman, 1995-1998
h. Lectures and Seminars, Chair, 2000 - present
i.  Promotion and Tenure, Chair, 1998 - 1999, 2001 - present

2. School of Business

a. Personnel Committee, 1986-1988
b. Computer Committee, 1989
c. Graduate Affairs, 1993
d. Ad Hoc Reaccreditation Committee, 1993-1996
e. PhD Programs Review Committee, 1994-1995
f. Promotion and Tenure, 1994-1995
g. Interim Executive Committee, 1995-1997

    1. Computer Technology Committee, 1999-

3. University Level

a. Educational Computer Policy Committee, 1983-1984
b. Departmental Rep to AAUP/AFT, 1985-present
c. Temple Association of University Professionals

1. Executive Committee, 1991-1996
2. Chair, Legal Committee, 1990-1999

  • d. University Budget Review, Faculty Senate, 1991-1996
    e. President's Athletics Advisory Council, 1993 - 1996
    f. Faculty Senate, 1999 - 2000
    g. Faculty Senate Representative to Board of Trustees Presidential Search, 1999 - 2000.

  • B. Outside of University Community

    1. Referee

      1. Journal of the American Statistical Association
        b. Journal of Economics and Business
        c. Southern Economic Journal
        d. International Economic Review
        e. National Science Foundation
        f. Macmillan Publishing
        g. Merrill Publishing
        h. Small Business Economics
        i. Eastern Economic Review
        j. Journal of Macroeconomics
        k. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
        l. Social Science Quarterly (member of editorial board)

    VII. Research Contributions

    "Economics 172-173: Supplementary Materials and Answers to Assigned Problems"; with Burnell, Yancey and Williamson, Stipes Publishing Co., 1976

    "Model Selection in Analyzing Spatial Groups in Regression Analysis: The Suburban Crime Case", with Hakim, Geographical Analysis, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1980

    "Appropriate Roles for Statistical Decision Theory and Hypothesis Testing in Model Selection: An Exposition", with Hakim, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1981

    "Analysis of Suburban Crime: An Exploratory Data Analysis Approach", with Hakim, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1981

    "A Simultaneous Equations System of Crime and Police", with Hakim, Statistica, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1981

    "Inequality Constraints, Multicollinearity and Models of Police Expenditure", with Hakim, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1981

    "More on the Problem of Procyclical Real Wages", with Bond, Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1982

    "A Reexamination of British Strike Activity", Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1982

    "Three Stage Least Squares with Inequality Constraints: Auto Theft and Police Expenditure", with Hakim, Empirical Economics, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, 1982

    "On the Normality of Relative Price Changes," with Gahlen, Economics Letters, Vol. 11, 1983

    "Organization of Police Departments in the Suburbs: New Realities, New Solutions", with Gross and Hakim, International Annals of Criminology, Vol. 20, Nos. 1/2, 1983

    "The Deterrence Hypothesis Revisited", with Hakim, Gross and Weiblatt, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1983

    "Relative Preise, Inflation und gesamtwirtschaftliche Aktivitaet", with Gahlen, Makrooekonomik Heute: Gemeinsamkeiten und Gegensaetze, Schriftenreihe des Wirtschaftwissenschaftlichen Seminars Ottobeuren, Vol. 12, 1983

    "Modelling a Poisson Process: British Strike Activity", Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1984

    "The Real Effects of Price Variability in the Federal Republic of Germany: 1953-1977", with Gahlen, Economics Letters, Vol. 15, 1984

    "Konzentration und Konjunktur - Ein Empirische Analyse fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland", with Gahlen, Perspektiven der Konjunktur Forschung, Scriftenreihe des Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Seminars Ottobeuren, Vol. 13, 1984

    "A Note on the Empirical Foundations of Rational Expectations", Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1985

    "The Natural Rate of Crime by Type of Community", with Hakim and Spiegel, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1985

    "Oekonomische Indikatoren in Verbindung mit der Konzentration", with Gahlen and Arz, Industrieoekonomik, Schriftenreihe des Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminars Ottobeuren, Vol. 15, 1985

    "Inflation and Productivity Growth in the Federal Republic of Germany", with FitzRoy, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1988, pps. 428-443

    "An Economic Model of Social Sensitivity: The Case of Individual Criminal Behavior" with Hakim, Sagi and Weinblatt, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1989

    "Do Casinos Enhance Crime?" with Hakim, Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 17, No. 5, 1989. Reprinted in Hahimoto, Kline and Fenich, Casino Management for the 1990s, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 1996.

    "Does Crime Affect Property Values?", with Hakim, The Canadian Apparaiser, Vol. 33, No. 4, Pp. 23-29, 1989

    "Comments on Dynamische Preis- und Mengenreaktionen in Rahmen eines Ungleichgewichtsmodells" and "Comments on Investitionsverhalten und Markstruktur - Empirische Ergebnisse fur Osterreich" in Markstruktur und gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Springer, Berlin, 1990.

    "Inflation and Price Change Variability: Some New Evidence from Old Data", Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 1990

    "The Effect of Street Crime on Property Values", with Hakim, Journal of Property Taxation, Pp. 199-211, 1990

    "What Should the Community Know About Alarm Systems?", Security Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1990

    "Risk-Return Tradeoff in Small Business Lending: The Case of Commercial Banks", with Dunkelberg and Friedman, in Advances in Small Business Finance, R. Yazdipour, editor, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Pps. 121-137, 1991

    "Casinos, Crime and Real Estate Values: Are they Related?", with Hakim and Spiegel, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Volume 28, No. 3, Pps. 288-303, 1991

    "The Impact of Crime Upon Property Values: A Revised von Thunen Model", Urban Studies, Volume 28, No. 5, Pps. 673-686, 1991

    "Conglomerates", "Credit", "Maximum Likelihood Estimation", "Discrete Choice Models",

    "Inventory", in Surveys of the Social Sciences: Economics, edited by Frank Magill, Salem Press, 1991

    "Suburban Burglaries, Alarms and Loss Exposure", with Hakim, CPCU Journal, Vol. 45, No. 2, June 1992:98-107

    "Learning by Criming and Learning by Policing", coauthored, Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1992

    "Variabilität der Veränderung der Relativpreise, Inflation und Ökonomische Schocks in der U.S.-Wirtschaft" In B. Gahlen (ed.), Strukturtheorie und Strukturforschung, (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck Verlag), Pps. 1-27, 1992

    "Markstruktur und Marktergebnis: Eine Zeitreihen- Querschnittsanalyse für die USA", in Strukturtheorie und Strukturforschung, B. Gahlen (ed.), (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck Verlag), Pps. 91-120, 1992

    "R&D Activity in a Dynamic Factor Demand Model: A Panel Data Analysis of Small and Medium Size German Firms", with M. Stadler, Empirica, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1992

    "Endogenous Crime Victimization, Taxes and Property Values, Social Science Quarterly, with Hakim and Spiegel, Vol. 74, No. 2, June 1993, Pps. 334-348

    "Are Discounts on Homeowners Premiums Effective for Insurers", with Hakim and Gaffney, CPCU Journal, Vol. 46, No. 2, Pps. 107-111, June 1993

    "Burglar Alarms and the Choice Behavior of Burglars: A Suburban Phenomenon", with Hakim and Rengert, Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 21, No. 5, Pps. 497-508, 1993

    "Using the Delphi Process to Analyze Social Policy Implementation: A Post Hoc Case from Vocational Rehabilitation", with Hakim and Gross, Policy Sciences, Vol 26, no. 2

    "An Analysis of Telephone Entry into Unregulated Markets: The Electronic Security Case", with Hakim and Blackstone, The Antitrust Bulletin, 1994, Vol. 39, No. 3, P. 727-752.

    "Crime and the Beta Coefficient", Social Science Quarterly, December 1995, Vol. 76, No. 4, Pps. 911-916.

    "A Transitional Gains Trap: Prison Sentences and Prison Capacity", Social Science Quarterly, June 1996, Vol 77, no. 2, Pp. 260-264 .

    "Privatizing Wine and Spirits Distribution in Pennsylvania", Restructuring State and Local Services: Ideas, Proposals, and Experiments, Arnold Raphaelson (ed.), Praeger, London: 1998

    "Vandalism of vending machines: Factors that attract professionals and amateurs", with Hakim, Swanson and Rattner,  Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 31 (2003), pps. 85-95.

    "Privatizing Adoption and Foster Care: Ap plying Auction and Market Solutions", with Hakim and Blackstone, Children and Youth Services Review, November 2004, Vol. 26, No. 11, Pp. 1033-1050.

    "Evaluation of Alternative Policies to Combat False Emergency Calls", with Hakim and Blackstone, Evaluation and Program Planning, May 2005, Vol. 28, No. 2, Pp. 233-342.

    "Falsifying Economic Models", with George M. Lady, Economic Modeling, September 2005, Vol. 22, No. 5, Pp 777-810.


    Introduction to Econometrics: An Interactive Electronic Book, 1999.

    Introduction to Game Theory with Economic Applications: An Electronic Book, 2000.


    "The Variability of Relative Price Expectations, the Rate of Inflation and the Phillips Curve", with Kawasaki and Gahlen, Leading Indicators and Business Cycle Surveys, 16th CIRET Proceedings, 1984

    "The Formation of Expectations and the Adaptation to Real and Monetary Shocks", with Gahlen and Kawasaki, Business Cycle Surveys in the Assessment of Economic Activity, 17th CIRET Proceedings, 1986

    "Do Firms Smooth Prices or Production?", with Gahlen and Gerhaeusser, Contributions of Business Cycle Survey to Empirical Economics, pp. 353-358, 18th CIRET Proceedings, 1988

    "Investment Variablity and Small Firm Investment Behavior", with Dunkelberg, CIRET Studien, Vol. 40, Pps. 137-157, 1990.

    "The Impact of the Business Cycle on Credit Availability", with Dunkelberg, Business Cycle Analysis by Means of Economic Surveys, Part II, Pp. 283-312, 20th CIRET Proceedings, 1992

    "Inequality Constraints, Multicollinearity and Modelling of Police Expenditure", Proceedings of the Criminal Justice Statistical Association, with Hakim, 1979

    "Analysis of Suburban Crime - An Exploratory Data Analysis Approach", Proceedings of the Criminal Justice Statistical Association, with Hakim, 1979

    "Crime Deterrence in Urban, Suburban and Rural Communities", with Hakim and Gross, 13th Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 1982



    Hospital Care for the Indigent

    Privatizing Liquor Sales in Pennsylvania: Part 1: The Case for Privatization

    Part 2: Auctioning Distribution Rights

    Consumer Discrimination in Baseball

    The Living Wage in Philadelphia