Find the Equilibrium
A new high pressure bicycle tire has been developed. At $15 apiece Kyle's customers will want to purchase two such tires per day. If he lowered his price to $5 he could sell eight tires per day.
Two Tired, Inc., Kyle's supplier, manufactures these tires. When the price is $5 they will offer only two tires to the market. If they could get $15 per tire then they would offer 10 tires.
The graph plots the data described in the above two paragraphs. The black line is a demand curve. The red line is the supply curve. It is your job to find the equilibrium price and quantity. You can do it by 'hit-or-miss' by plugging in trial values for Pequil and Qequil. Or you can find the equations for the supply and demand curves and solve them for Pequil and Qequil.