Temple Universtity
Department of Economics
Homework 4: Workouts in OLS
By expanding the multiplication and taking expectations it is obvious that is unbiased.
Now show that has a larger variance.
Numerically this is
The variance for the OLS estimator is
Although both estimators are unbiased, OLS has the smaller variance in the positive definite sense. This result is not surprising, given our knowledge of the Gauss-Markov Theorem.
Orthogonality is sufficient but not necessary for linear independence.
We already knew that the off-diagonals wouldn't be zero, but it is still possible for the determinant to be zero, which would indicate linear dependence in the columns of x.
2.b. The OLS estimates, using the original data are
2.c. After adding 5 to each obs on y and 10 to each obs on x the OLS estimates are now
Notice that the intercept changed, but neither of the slopes is changed.
2.d. After multiplying each observation on the dependent variable by 10 the OLS coefficients change to:
2.e. If x1 is multiplied by 10 and the data is otherwise unchanged then the OLS results change to:
2.f. The effect of adding a constant to both sides of the equation is to change the intercept. The effect of multiplying the dependent variable by 10 is to rescale all of the coefficients by a power of 10. Multiplying just one of the independent variables by 10 has the effect of rescaling only the corresponding coefficient. Notice also, in your regression output, that R2, t-statistics and the F-statistic are unaffected by rescaling the data.
3.b. The estimated coefficients are
Ordinary least squares regression. Dep. Variable = LNRENT Observations = 82 Mean of LHS = 0.2020316E+01 StdDev of residuals= 0.3841586E+00 R-squared = 0.9084267E+00 F[ 8, 73] = 0.9052197E+02 Log-likelihood = -0.3313692E+02 Amemiya Pr. Criter.= 0.1027730E+01 Durbin-Watson stat.= 2.2420910 |
Ordinary least squares regression. Weights = ONE Std.Dev of LHS = .1205161E+01 Sum of squares = 0.1077318E+02 Adjusted R-squared= .89839E+00 Restr.(á=0) Log-l = -0.13115E+03 Akaike Info.Crit. = 0.1637754E+00 Autocorrelation = -0.1210455 |
ANOVA Source Regression Residual Total |
Variation 0.1068723E+03 0.1077318E+02 0.1176455E+03 |
D of Fr 8 73 81 |
Mean Square 0.1335903E+02 0.1475778E+00 0.1452413E+01 |
Variable | Coefficients | Std Error | t-ratio | Pr|t|>x | Mean of X | Std Dev of x | |
Constant D61 D62 D63 D64 D65 LNMULT LNMEM LNACCES |
-0.10446 -0.13980 -0.48911 -0.59385 -0.92482 -1.1632 -.6536E-01 0.57933 -0.14060 |
0.3149 0.1665 0.1738 0.1661 0.1663 0.1661 .284E-01 .353E-01 .293E-01 |
-0.332 -0.840 -2.815 -3.575 -5.561 -7.003 -2.301 16.369 -4.794 |
0.7410 0.4037 0.0062 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 0.0242 0.0000 0.0000 |
0.14634 0.13415 0.18293 0.21951 0.19512 4.7598 5.7263 1.8266 |
0.35562 0.34291 0.38899 0.41646 0.39873 2.6499 1.5140 2.3422 |
3.b. The quality adjusted price index series is:
The quality adjusted price index is declining throughout.
3.c. The results for the new model are:
Ordinary least squares regression. Dep. Variable = LNRENT Observations = 82 Mean of LHS = 0.2020316E+01 StdDev of residuals= 0.4907885E+00 R-squared = 0.8423462E+00 F[ 4, 77] = 0.1028530E+03 Log-likelihood = -0.5541066E+02 Amemiya Pr. Criter.= 0.1473431E+01 Durbin-Watson stat.= 1.5506978 |
Ordinary least squares regression. Weights = ONE Std.Dev of LHS = .1205161E+01 Sum of squares = 0.1854725E+02 Adjusted R-squared= 0.8341564E+00 Restr.(á=0) Log-l = -0.1311522E+03 Akaike Info.Crit. = 0.2555608E+00 Autocorrelation = 0.2246511 |
ANOVA Source Regression Residual Total |
Variation 0.9909821E+02 0.1854725E+02 0.1176455E+03 |
Deg of Freedom 4 77 81 |
Mean Square 0.2477455E+02 0.2408734E+00 0.1452413E+01 |
Variable | Coefficients | Std Error | t-ratio | Pr|t|>x | Mean of X | Std Dev of x | |
-0.57377 -0.60048 -.3732E-01 0.61148 -0.11087 |
0.3856 0.1762 0.353E-01 0.439E-01 0.369E-01 |
-1.488 -3.407 -1.055 13.926 -2.999 |
0.1408 .00105 0.2947 0.0000 0.0036 |
0.8780 4.7598 5.7263 1.8266 |
0.32924 2.6499 1.5140 2.3422 |
The result of using a single dummy for the period 61 to 65 is to increase the magnitude of each of the slope coefficients, to reduce both the R2 and the adjusted R2 , and the coefficient on LNMULT is no longer different from zero.