An Incomplete Information Static Game
Interpretation of the 1st Price Auction
We can analyze the first
price auction using the machinery of the static game with incomplete
information. We’ll do it from Kristy’s
perspective. She knows her own type,
but is uncertain of Sutheby’s type.
Kristy will never submit a
bid below μ. If she were to do so
then she would surely lose. The same
goes for Sutheby. Since she will never
submit a bid below μ, that is her minimum bid. We’ll also allow her to submit a higher bid in the amount b. The same goes for Sutheby. When Kristy
submits a bid in the amount bK against a bid by Sutheby in the
amount bS there is a probability p that her bid wins, and a
probability q that his bid wins. The payoffs in the two games are expected
Sutheby |
bS |
bS |
Kristy |
bK |
Sutheby can be either one
of two types. For each type he has two
possible actions. Therefore, from
Kristy’s perspective he has four strategic plans. With this in mind we can write the normal form of the game as:
Sutheby |
bS, bS |
Kristy |
bK |
Sutheby’s second strategy
of is seen to weakly dominate his fourth
strategy of bS, bS . His first strategy of is seen to weakly dominate his third
strategy. Sutheby’s first strategy is
not credible since he would never bid μ when he is a θ – type.
Therefore, Kristy believes that he will play his second strategic plan. If μ and bK are both to be best responses to a play of by Sutheby then the
associated payoffs must be equal.
you solve for p then you will get the earlier result for the probability with
which Kristy will win when she plays the strategy bK.