Materials: You need to buy the textbook called Case and Fair, Principles of Microeconomics, Prentice-Hall. The book is available at,, and the TU main campus bookstore. If you are unable to get to campus then the TU bookstore will ship the book to you free of charge as a courtesy to all online students. Online students can contact Musangi Muthi (Temple University Bookstore) and order books over the telephone or via e-mail. Musangi's telephone number is (215) 204-4498 and her e-mail address is: You need to buy the software called Logal Microeconomics Explorer CD-ROM. Unfortunately the TU bookstore outsmarted me and ordered only used copies of Case and Fair, so the publisher did not ship the software to them. I am trying to make arrangements for you to get the software for free. I'll keep you posted on developments. The electronic text (on the net at Drexel U and linked to your syllabus) can be downloaded from the internet if you are that ambitious. Saving all those files and printing them out is not something I recommend. If I were in your position I would just click on the link and read the material online. Browser: There is a link in the syllabus to a video about production possibilities frontiers. The Econ 92 students did this video last semester. To view the video you need the Microsoft Media Player. You can get this by clicking on the link on the configuration page on my web site ( If you don't see the video you won't suffer. It is really important that you get the Mathview plugin in order to see the interactive graphical tutorials on my web site. The company supplying the viewer was just sold and TU put a password on the site where I had made it available. In order to get the Mathview plugin you must go to . When you get there scroll down the page and get the Mathview 2.x plugin for Windows 95/98/NT (or Macintosh). Lastly, I actively discourage use of AOL for participating in my class. Please keep the same email account for the entire semester. Please use only one email account. I have a master list for email and don't care to spend my time editing the entries. When I reply to email from you I merely click on the reply button and do not check to see if the sending address matches one I previously entered in the class data base. Assignments: A. Almost every week you must write answers to some discussion questions. Your answers should be very brief; only a sentence or three or four. The links to these are found in the next to last column of the syllabus ( ). You would click on any given link to the discussion questions and save the page to your own PC. Then open the saved page with your word processor. Write in your answers on the file and save it. Send me email with the answers to the discussion questions as an attachment. B. Almost every week there will be one or more problem sets. The links to these are found in the last column of the syllabus. Click on the problem set link and it will display in your browser. Print it out if you want so that you can have it in front of you while you work out the answers. When you have the answers open the problem set again, fill in the blanks, and click the submit button at the bottom. C. EVERY WEEK there will be a 20 question quiz. These quizzes are NOT linked to the syllabus. The quizzes can be found only at . Click on the Fox Sch of Bus, then on my class. At the dialog box enter your userid and password. When the class page opens click on 'Assignments' then complete the online quiz. You will have only one opportunity to open each quiz, so you must allot enough time to get it done before you close your browser and log off. There is a trial quiz (no credit) for you to experiment with. WEB Sites to visit: Configure your browser - Take a look at the course syllabus Visit the web site we will be using for weekly quizzes During your Course Procedures: The class is divided into 14 segements analgous to the weeks of a semester long face to face class. The class is self-paced so you should not understand 'week' literally; week and segment are synonyms. Each week you will do the reading and try out the supplementary materials. Toward the end of the week you will complete the discussion questions found on the syllabus. You will also do the problem set found on the syllabus. When you are confident of the material then go to and click through to our class. You will find (not yet) a quiz for the material covered in each week's segment. You will only get one try at the quiz, so don't close the page before answering all of the questions. By the end of the semester you will have completed a total of 42 assignments. This seems like a big number. But remember, in a conventional class you meet with the instructor for about 40 hours over the course of a semester. In addition you would be spending time reading and doing hwk assignments also. There are no incompletes, so keep up with the material. At present I don't plan to have any face to face meetings; not even an orientation. This may change if there are problems. In lieue of meeting in person we will use a chat room and a bulletin board. There will be more on these in a week or two. Also, I am in my office on the main campus on Monday afternoons and on Thursdays from, say, 4 til 8. Call (215-204-1985) before making a special trip so that I will know you are coming and stay in my office at 813 Ritter annex.