Temple University

Principles of Microeconomics
Summer 2007

Economics 1102 (was 52)

 Section 111, MW, 7:45 PM - 10:40 PM
Ambler Learning Center 207


Grading Policy

1.  A bit of advice: Attendance is not mandatory, but economics, while of great practical importance, is a very difficult intellectual pursuit.  With that in mind, you must try to come to every class and work with the material a little every day.  You should also be aware of the fact that missing a single class meeting is equivalent to missing more than a week of class during the academic year.

2.  Class participation.  There will be explicit scoring for class participation.  I will assign exercises for presentation by particular students.  You will each have to do this at least once during the summer.  If you miss your assigned day then you will receive a zero.

3.  There will be many required short homework assignments during the semester.  All of these are hyperlinks in the syllabus.  These will be graded.  It is my observation that those who work on the homework also do well on the exams.  

4.  There will be one midterm and a final.  These will be closed book exams. The final will be cumulative.

5.  Your grade will be determined as follows:

Homework 20%
Participation 20 %
Midterm 40% each
Final 40%

6.   There is no such thing as late homework. There are no make-up exams.

7.  Throughout the semester grades will be posted to the Blackboard web site.