Temple University
Economics Seminars
Fall 2008
September 29, Monday, 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM, Ritter Hall 207, "Economic Institutions and Stability: A Relational Approach," Rob Gilles, Virginia Tech
October 10, Friday, 11:40 AM - 1:00 PM, Barton Hall 208, "TBA," David Huffman, Swarthmore College
October 17, Friday, 11:40 AM - 1:00 PM, Barton Hall 208, "Workforce Investment Act Non-Experimental Net Impact Evaluation," Peter Mueser (Univ of Missouri), C. Heinrich and K. Troske.
November 21, Friday, Time and location to be announced, "Asymmetries, Breaks, and Long Range Dependence: An Estimation Framework for Time Series of Realized Volatility," Eric Hillebrand (Louisiana State University) and Marcelo Medeiros (PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO)