earth_DestAN[1].gif (11022 bytes)

This page is the start of the family sabbatical, 2000-2001.

boat_2.gif (10847 bytes)


binculrs.wmf (4630 bytes)
Scenes we hope to see, as painted by Winslow Homer

ship.gif (954 bytes)

sailboat1.jpg (3496 bytes)

Go back to the configuration page and get yourself a media player.
The theme music.

More music by which to sail south

island.gif (567 bytes)


worldmap.wmf (30358 bytes) Planned route

palmline.gif (3026 bytes)


finangel.gif (9212 bytes)Lighthouses along the Way

Laundromats we have known

The Crew

The S/V Adagio

The logs: Andy, Maria, Christopher, Diana

Where is ADAGIO: Maps

Audio and Video

Speaking of Audio, here are some SSB transmission times and frequencies

Still Photographs

Art to soothe the soul

Technical matters: Plugins and viewers

email and the web

Check out the weather as brought to you by the U of Wis,  or get the latest forecast from your SSB radio, or visit

isld-ani.gif (4208 bytes)


scuba01.gif (3417 bytes)

palmtree.gif (19386 bytes)

SHARK6.gif (6597 bytes)  tocaBLbX.gif (3758 bytes)

TrfshBL2.gif (3109 bytes) flowtran.jpg (7946 bytes)