Temple University
Department of Economics

Economics 1102 (was 52) Section 111
Principles of Microeconomics

Monday and Wednesday
7:45 PM – 10:40 PM
Widener 211

Summer 2007







5/21 Monday

 Thinking Like and Economist

Chapter One: Everyday Life

 Comparative Advantage

Chapter Two: Efficiency and Allocation

Chapter Three: The American Economy

Notes 1

RQ 1


Graphs: Slopes and Intercepts and

Down and to the Right?

Production Possibility Frontiers: Movements and Shifts

Importer or Exporter?

Absolute and Comparative Advantage

The Gains from Trade


Introductory Problems and Key

Production Possibilities and Key

Comparative Advantage and Key

PPF01 and Key

Scarcity and Key

5/23 Wednesday

 Supply and Demand

Chapter Four: Intro to Supply and Demand

Notes 2

RQ 3

RQ 4

1. A change in the quantity demanded,

2. A change in the quantity supplied,

3. Find the Equilibrium.

4. A change in demand

5. The effect of a change in demand, on equilibrium

6. A change in supply

7. The effect of a change in supply on equilibrium

Price Ceiling

Price Floor

Elasticity: Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

Elasticity  and Key

Equilibrium and Key

Two Country Trade and Key

5/28 Monday Memorial Day, no class

5/30 Wednesday


Chapter Five: Elasticity

 Demand: The Benefit Side of the Mkt

Chapter Seven: Consumer Behavior

RQ 5

How Many Should You Buy

Getting the Most for Your Money

Taxes and Elasticities

Taxes: Who Pays?

How Many? and Key

Utility Maximization and Key

Consumer Surplus and Key

6/4 Monday Chapter Eight: Production and Cost RQ 6 Production from one variable input

Fixed, Variable and Total Costs

Production, and Average and Marginal Costs

Competitive Output


Production with 1 Input and Key

6/6 Wednesday

Perfectly Competitive Supply

Chapter Nine: Perfect Competition

 The Quest for Profit



RQ 7

Measuring Consumer Surplus

Measuring Producer Surplus


Markets, Taxes and Efficiency and Key

Price Ceilings and Efficiency and Key

6/11 Monday

 Efficiency and Exchange

Chapter Six:: Market Efficiency and Government Intervention


RQ 7

RQ 8

Measuring Consumer Surplus

Measuring Producer Surplus


The Competitive Paradigm and Key

6/13 Wednesday

1st Hour Exam,
 7:45 – 8:45

Sample in part

Sample in part




6/18 Monday

 Imperfect Competition

Chapters Ten , ElevenTwelve and Thirteen

RQ 9



Monopoly Output and Price Regulation and Key

Price and Output under Monopoly and Key

Monopolistic Competition and Key

6/20 Wednesday  Labor Markets

Chapter Fifteen: Labor Markets

RQ 13 Competitive Labor Markets


Labor Demand in competitive markets and Key, for a similar problem set see Key

Input Demand and Key

Wage Determination and Key

Imperfect Labor Markets and Efficiency and Key

6/25 Monday

 Externalities and Property Rights

 Public Goods and Tax Policy

Chapter Seventeen: Market Failure

RQ 11

RQ 15

The Incidence of Taxation

Efficiency and Taxes

Externalities and Key

Externalities and Efficiency and Key

Public Goods and Key

Public Goods and Efficiency and Key

6/27 Wednesday

 International Trade

Chapter Eighteen: Trade

RQ 16

  Trade in VCR's and Key

Trade and Efficiency and Key

7/2 Monday

Final Exam
