These lectures are for use in a 2 semester econometrics sequence at the graduate level. Feel free to download any sections you wish, but please give attribution when you do so. Some sections are nearly .5Mb, including the *.gif files which contain equations and diagrams.
Some of the links are straight HTML. Some links have MathView documents embedded in them. To see these you need to get the viewer from Some links take you to a MathCAD worksheet. For the MathCAD worksheets you can use the viewer available from
For a fine collection of econometrics links visit Erasmus University.
To put to work what you have learned here you might want to visit the Fair Model
Another good site is the Cambridge University Small U.K. Model Distributed Lags
I'm always happy to hear from people interested in economics and Temple University. You can call me at 215-204-1985. You can send me a FAX at 215-204-8173. Or you can send email to